Short Code Short Cuts

Did you know that SendPress supports all sorts of short codes? We have short codes for newsletter signups and managing your subscription for example. Short codes are one of the best ways to make life easier when managing your WordPress site. But my favorite short code is [sp-recent-posts]. It’s been there for a long time.…

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Announcing Custom Fields Version 2 for SendPress Pro

Last year we released custom fields as an update to SendPress and SendPress Pro, but it wasn’t the full set of features we wanted. Our first attempt offered a total of ten fields but offered limited additional options. Our customers wanted more and we listened with the Custom Fields version 2 release. Announcing Custom Fields…

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5 Common Sense Tips for Successful Email Marketing Campaigns

Many businesses make digital marketing harder than it has to be, but — regardless of what some so-called experts say — there is no mystery behind this type of marketing. Running a successful email marketing campaign does not require a Ph.D. in rocket science; just some basic common sense. 1. Tie Your Campaign to a…

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Announcing WP Email Delivery

Isn’t it fantastic that your WordPress e-newsletter provider (yay, SendPress!) lets you seamlessly communicate with your followers, integrate your content, customize your look and feel, and analyze your results? We asked ourselves what would make those great features even better and listened to our customers who resoundingly said they wanted reliable and fast email delivery with…

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Email Marketing Trends That Will Change The Game In 2015

Although social media is undoubtedly moving up in the world of advertising, email marketing is still the weapon of choice for countless companies. The benefits of these campaigns run the gamut, ranging from a low-cost implementation to a great return on investment. These are the trends for 2015 that could completely change the way you…

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