Announcing Custom Fields Version 2 for SendPress Pro

Last year we released custom fields as an update to SendPress and SendPress Pro, but it wasn’t the full set of features we wanted. Our first attempt offered a total of ten fields but offered limited additional options. Our customers wanted more and we listened with the Custom Fields version 2 release.

Announcing Custom Fields Version 2

We redesigned custom fields from the ground up giving you more options and better control of your subscribers data. The update gives everyone lots of new features:

  • Custom fields can now be required on the signup form
  • Every custom field you create gets a unique shortcode in the format {spcf-CustomFieldName-## and it can be used to write out each unique subscriber’s custom field value in an email.
  • Import custom fields along with other subscriber data
  • Export subscriber data that includes their custom fields

Along with these new features, Pro users also get UNLIMITED custom fields! Go crazy! You earned it!

How do I use this cool new feature?

The first thing you do is make sure you have the latest version of SendPress Pro ( or later includes custom fields version 2). Once that’s done, check out our Custom Fields knowledge base article. There you can read about how to set up a custom field and collect data from subscribers as they sign up. From there using the generated short-code in an e-mail is as easy as copy and paste. Additionally, if you have a list of subscribers that includes those custom fields you can Import that or export your current list and fix it up. Just keep in mind that import won’t overwrite existing users on import so you may need to clean our your All Subscribers if you are trying to replace existing data.

We hope you enjoy this new feature. With unlimited custom fields there is no limit to what your next campaign can do.